Name(Required) First Last Male of Female?MaleFemalePhysical Address:Mailing Address if Different:Email(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email PhoneWhat is your date of birth?Are you a member of The Church of God with headquarters in Arkansas?How long have you been a member?Approximately when were you saved?Are you sanctifiedHave you received the Holy Ghost with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues?Are you married?If your answer is no, have you ever been married before?If you are presently married, have you ever been married to anyone else? If yes, then explain at the end of this form.If you are married, is your spouse a member of The Church of God?What is your spouse’s name?Is your spouse sanctified?Has your spouse received the gift of the Holy Ghost with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues?If your spouse has not been sanctified or experienced the gift of the Holy Ghost, have he/she been or is he/she presently seeking these experiences?Do you have children?What are their names?Do you have family worship at home and if not are you willing to start?Do you believe that the Holy Bible is the holy inspired Word of God?Do you believe in the inerrancy of the Word of God?Do you accept the church’s stand on the thirty-one teachings and believe that they are Bible based teachings?Do you feel a definite call into the ministry?What area of the ministry do you feel the Lord is calling you to.? (Pastor, Evangelist, Deacon or Teacher)Do you feel that you have a revelation/understanding of the church as revealed in the Bible?Do you pay tithes regularly as outlined by scripture?Is your life an example of what the Christian life should be?In being a minister in The Church of God you are asked to report regularly to the state or national office. Are you willing to do this?Do you understand that the ministry is a position of servanthood, in which he or she is to serve in the spirit of humility? (I Peter 5:2-4)Give name and contact information for a minister in the church who you know personally?Give name and contact information for a second minister in the church who you know personally?Other Comments:Signature and Date of Applicant (just type in). Δ